
Republic TV has recently exposed another story of how Social Media campaign being run by terrorist Organisations like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jamaat-Ud-Dawa. The Sting Operation revealed how the Kashmir youth have been systematically radicalized for the Jihad; moreover, whole the activities of workshops and training sessions were running in the valley behind the curtain, as a part of Pakistan-sponsored propaganda as usual.

Coincidently, this revelation has done on the same day when UN Human Rights Commission demanded to lift the Ban on Social Media in Kashmir. Indeed without having a right understanding of the situation at ground level, the UN Human Right experts asserted that such restrictions have a significantly disproportionate impact on the fundamental rights.So far the Human Rights groups are found having sympathy on the some selected issues which attained hype in Media.

Here the matter of concern is, why the information and facts are coming from very few selected Media? In the past also, many such anti-national campaigns and terrorism activities were running in Valley. But surprisingly, so-called liberal media has been consistently remained inefficient in reporting the news from the ground. In dealing with such crucial issues, they’ve maintained the approach either not to cover most of the time, or to do the coverage, which is leaned to separatism.

There are ample amount of instances which can be counted; like in last month, a matter came out about CRPF jawans attacked by locals while performing duty during J&K by polls. There was no outrage over it, and the news was reported as unverified footages by channels. In fact, except for Zee News, no Media reported into the detail of issue and got the facts like identities of locals or thrashed jawans, and to publicize what atrocities they had to face.

On the contrary, in less than one week another case came out from the same Badgaon district took place; a stone pelter was tied to army jeep as a human shield. Media started crying as Human Rights violation; moreover, they even reached out to the home of the person to prove himself innocent. Lutyens Media, who never shout or cry on any causality done to above army men, started chest-thumping in Media over this matter. There shouting was so loud that news was covered internationally like in NewYork Times

Sitaram Yechury who is always outspoken about Kashmir, and hasty to meet separatists, has never spoken over jawans who are attacked in Kashmir, but he apparently did protest with his communist fellows on this issues in demand to punish the army. https://swarajyamag.com/insta/cpm-wants-army-punished-for-tying-kashmiri-youth-in-front-of-its-cavalcade . It proves their hypocrisy.

In a video message, Burahani Wani’s successor and Hizbul Mujahideen's Commander Musa came out categorically clarified that their struggle is not political but to make Caliphate in Kashmir, and in this way he falsified the separatists lobby and politicians like Abdullas, as their claims to name movement as the political issue was a blatant lie. This was the tight slap on peacenik lobby like Shabnam Lone, Sameer Kaul, John Dayal, Aslam Goni etc. who have been defended the Militancy insurgency and advocated for the separatist on a pretext of a fight for freedom or autonomy. It was also shameful for Journalists like Barkha, who have been trying to attract the sympathy for them; by calling them like sons of a headmaster and stated that youth who haven't listened that why they have chosen to vent their anger through stones etc.

A few weeks back, Media which took up issue spontaneously of Kashmiri Students who were beaten up at Mewar University, Rajasthan and other places, although no serious injuries happened. But in NIT Srinagar issue last year, so-called liberal Media had remained silent when police attacked non-local students for protesting against local Students demonstrating anti-India slogans. The Ideological was named as an internal fight inside the Campus by biased Media.

In a line of NIA investigation, there were some reports in Zee News and Times Now about how the funding has been penetrated in Kashmir; how some 5-6 Kashmir companies managed to bring money from Pakistan on an exchange of their business; and the fund finally utilized to incite the violence in Kashmir. Furthermore, the Azad reporting was only carried out by Zee News last year to learn the country that how Wahabism is preparing a ground in Valley for terrorism; and how they have utilized Mosques and Madrassas as their shelters for training and counseling for Jihad.

Similarly, Media turned a blind eye when Bahadur Ali terrorist came across the border caught alive and gave a deposition that how to make unrest in Kashmir and influence stone pelting, he made infiltrated in India.

But unfortunately, the other Media news channels which are accusing above channels as Jingoistic Channels have remained lethargic, or rather idle on covering up such crucial national security matters. The Indian Express, who claim itself has ‘journalism of courage’ hasn’t performed any courage enough to report the ground reality, it has been apparently glorifying terrorists and spreading venom against state and judiciary on taking action against terrorists

In conclusion, they have been failed in doing their primary job of reporting what a situation in the Valley is, and mad themselves limited to Srinagar region only. The inaction of such Media Houses may have one of the reasons; either their political agenda doesn’t allow them to cover this, or they are themselves the part of the nexus with the perpetrators.

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