
Not For Azadi, But It's Time To Vacate The Valley For Kashmiri Pandits

Here are, a few must watch documentaries representing the voice of Kashmiri Pandits telling about the tyranny they witnessed.

Image credit: Roots In Kashmir

Separatists like Bashrat Peer who are advocating that It's time to Azad (liberate) Kashmir and the journalist lobby of Seema Mustafa, Barkha Dutt, Sujaat Bukhari who are asking the Indian Army to tone down while using the pallet guns to tackle the crowd of acid bombers and stone throwers. A few digital media factories backed by separatists and leftist forces are playing the sympathy card to bonafide the voice of separatists and militants as the voice of Kashmiris. Did they ever do same for Kashmiri Pandits who were cleansed from the Valley before 21 years? The pain of pallet gun sufferers are being painted the greater than the plights of Kashmiri Pandits.  

Here are, a few must watch documentaries representing the voice of Kashmiri Pandits that will about the tyranny they witnessed. 

Here, we are not endorsing the channel as the larger section of the viewers doubted that NDTV's conduct over current Kashmir issue has not been the fair up to that required jounalistic standard and have been with a bias agenda, ( But it was appreciable then) the video as below is of a talk show held by the channel over the issues of Kashmiri Pandits which can give the fair idea of their aggrieved voices.


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